Living Monographs



The focus of this workshop is to learn about one herb in-depth. We will spend time observing and learning from a plant directly, harvesting the herb, make medicine and then go into a detailed summary of the medicinal and edible uses of this plant. Participants will go home with medicine that they have made and a printed monograph about the plants that we focus on. The herbs that we will focus on are White Pine in the Morning and Gil over the Ground in the afternoon. Working with plants in this way honors each plant and helps us develop our relationships with them.

Blair Richards-Koeslag

The world of plants has always held a special place in Blair’s life. Since childhood she has been working in the soil growing flowers, which lead into a love of vegetables, then branched into growing trees and learning about herbal medicine. Having completed a Permaculture design course with StarHawk, Blair continued on to become a PINA certified Permaculture teacher learning from Jude Hobbs. She completed the Charted Herbalist course through the Dominion Herbal college in 2008 and continues to learn and grow in her knowledge of herbal medicines. Her greatest teacher has been the Earth who continues to show her just how beautiful life can be and how magical the world of plants really is. Blair also tend to all the plants and trees at Golden Bough Tree Farm, in Marlbank, ON.

Additional information

Choose between Sat morn/ Sat afternoon

Saturday Morning, Saturday Afternoon