June 10, 2023 @ 10:00 am – June 11, 2023 @ 4:00 pm
Join us for an exploration into the world of stone cutting & carving! In this weekend workshop we will be introducing the basics of lapidary, cutting and polishing stones to be used in jewellery making. We will move through the process of taking rough rock and turning it into cabochons using high quality equipment specific to this craft. We will explore different stones and their unique properties as we shape and form them. Participants will also be introduced to carving techniques with hand tools on soap stone and be able to work on their small sculptures while others work on the machines. By the end of the weekend participants will leave with several finished pieces to take home.
Coyote Tales Farm Studios is situated in the mineral capital of Canada near Bancroft Ontario, we will look at this mineral rich environment and explore what makes this area so special. We can look at specimens from around the globe and discuss the impact on mining and importance in considering how the stones are mined and moved around the world. Abby will share her tales of travelling, mining and stone exploration over her 15 years of experience with the industry. She also has a large collection of her own stone work that will be available for purchase.
Please feel free to bring stones to share and examine, potentially cut depending on their qualities.
Dusk masks and safety equipment are provided onsite.
We look forward to sharing the experience and transformative process with you!~
The workshop will begin at 10:00am on Saturday morning to 5:00pm, possibility of having a sauna on sat evening and continue from 10:00am on Sunday til around 4:00pm.
The Immersive Experience includes: friday evening arrival Light dinner, accomodations for two night stay, 6 vegetarian meals, and evening activities (fire, sauna)
The Localized Experience includes: Saturday 10-5 workshop,Sunday 10-4, lunch on both days.
Let’s rock and roll!~
Please feel free to get in touch with any questions you may have. Check our website for pictures of the farm and what we are up to here~
Coyote Tales Farm Studios
Bancroft, Ontario K0L 1C0 Canada + Google Map 613 332 1390
View Venue Website